XR-based Education of Thermal Management in Power Electronics


We study an XR experience to support learning about the dynamics of thermal processes in power electronics for automotive engineering students. To this end, we conceptualized, implemented, and evaluated an educational XR system embedded in a university course in automotive engineering. An initial evaluation with 12 students indicates that the tool is both usable (as indicated by an average SUS score of 86.5) and contributes to learning insights in students (as indicated by subjective feedback). Through this work, we hope to contribute further evidence about the applicability of XR in engineering education.


Overview of the XR Educational Application
Figure 1: Overview of the XR educational application for thermal processes in power electronics. Left: Temperatures on virtual voltage source inverter chips are being measured at a power level of 348 W. Right: A student is trying to identify a potential error source at the virtual voltage source inverter in a classroom setting. The German term ”Durchfluss” (flow) refers to the currently active cooling mode (one indicating a faulty, one a functioning mode).



Jonas Preißner, Alexander Bauer, Marco Denk, and Jens Grubert. XR-based Education of Thermal Management in Power Electronics. In Adjunct Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2024 (ISMAR 2024), im Erscheinen.